
A New Data Security Strategy that Pinpoints Insider Threats

Tue, 28 May 2019 07:30 - 11:00 PST

Ground Level, Function room Somerset Olympia

Old Swiss Inn Makati Ave. cor. Sto. Tomas St., Makati.


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Building a Data Security Strategy: Combating Cyber Threats

The primary focus of data security is stopping hackers and others from getting in, sometimes the biggest threat is already on the inside.Internal threats remain the biggest challenge for data breaches than detecting and preventing external cyber-attacks. Current or former employees pose a huge security threat, especially the disgruntled employee seeking revenge.

Depending on the incident, a company should have a plan to contain the breach. Whether that’s asking an IT team to implement their incident response plan or alerting the security team of a physical threat, the goal is to repair the damage as quickly as possible. A key part of every data response plan is planning how to bounce back and recover.

In this session we will tackle:
- How to Detect Insider Threats with Machine Learning & AI. Plan to contain a breach and breach notification.
- Assess how to balance multiple impacts of a crisis response, including operations and finances.
- Discuss the challenges and how to act on comprehensive data access monitoring, security alert ambiguity & overload.

Resource Person
Kelvin Cheung
Sr. Security Consultant – ASEAN

Kelvin has over 10 years of experience in the areas of IT security industry. He joined Imperva about 3 years. He is currently the Senior Security Consultant for ASEAN at Imperva. In Imperva, he is responsible for security consultancy services and designing architecture for application and data security within the IT environment. In this role, kelvin works extensively with large enterprises particularly within the FSI and Government to secure their critical assets.

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